Plan estratéxico para patios de recreo


The project arises from the initial idea of ​​improving the organization and dynamization of two recesses.  From here, a broader proposal is planted that lies in the need to promote active and healthy lifestyle habits.  Within these habits, regular sports practice, scheduled and guided by professionals, is a fundamental guide. 


  • Promote sports physical practice among boys and girls both within and outside of school hours.

  • Develop a wide motor background through the practice of different physical sports activities.

  • (...)

  • Eliminate the conflicts around the spaces of the game.

  • Autonomy in activities.


  • 3rd session: Colloquium talk.
  • 4th session: Infographics.
  • 6th session: Amoung Breaks - CEIP San Xoán.  Rules. 

  • 7th session: Alternatives to xogo.

  • 8th session: Xogos de taboleiro in PE.

  • 9th session: Pre-sport.

  • 10th session: Ao peche. 


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